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FOPPL BOARD MEETING: November 10, 2020

Friends of the Portsmouth Library, Inc.

January 18, 2022

Board members present: Amanda Taft, Ellen Franke, Deborah Gallagher, Toby Pennell, Mia Taft

Call to Order: The meeting was held at the Churchland Library conference room. Amanda called the meeting to order at 4:30.

Minutes: The 12/7/2021 minutes were reviewed.

Correspondence: We received a confirmation of the $100 donation made to the Memorial Fund of the Churchland Baptist Church in loving memory of Judy Walker.

Financial Report by Treasurer: Ellen reported the Operating Account has a balance of $47,652.84. The Copier Account balance is $15,471.09. The CD account is approximately the same as last month (statements quarterly).

Unfinished Business: Toby has mailed out the membership renewals for the people without email addresses. An email was sent to the other members for membership renewal. Membership renewals are being updated on the member list and thank you notes sent out. The Book Nook volunteers will be added to the membership list. Mia will check the Paypal account for membership payments. Amanda is reviewing and comparing sites for paper bags to be ordered for the book sales. Deborah proposed having an FOPPL logo printed on them. We discussed printing “FOPPL” stickers and putting them on the bags might be less expensive. Mia will look into our logo and sticker prices. Copiers are not paying for themselves anymore (most people are doing things electronically now). No one is getting back to Ellen about the possibility of the libraries taking over the copiers responsibility. Amanda will email Todd Elliot. We have enough money for the year but not more.

New Business: Toby will make a list of book types (subject areas) that are available at the Main Library book sale. Deborah and Ellen volunteered to “head up” the April Membership meeting planning. We will try for the Coleman Room at the Churchland Library as the setting.

Library Director’s Report: Not asked.

Meeting was adjourned at 5:30. We will meet at the Churchland Library on 2/15/22 at 4:30.

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