Friends of the Portsmouth Library, Inc.
July 24, 2021
Board members present: Amanda Taft, Deborah Gallagher, Ellen Franke, Toby Pennell, Mia Taft, Judy Walker
Call to Order: The meeting was held at the Churchland Library conference room. Amanda called the meeting to order at 10:05.
Minutes: The 6/26/21 minutes were reviewed.
Correspondence: No correspondence was received.
Financial Report by Treasurer: Ellen reported the Operating Account has a balance of $44,610.74. The Copier Account balance is $18,430.60 and the CD has $27,106.36 in it.
Committee Reports: We have not set up committees yet.
Unfinished Business: The Main Library book sale is every Sat. and the Book Nook sale is open at least 2x a month. The Portsmouth Jail took all the paperback books we had set aside, 15 boxes worth, which Amanda delivered. Judy mentioned the Book Nook could use more children’s books. Toby reviewed the Portsmouth Literacy places (Adult Learning Center, Tidewater Youth Services and VOTCDC which stands for Visions of Truth Community Development Corporation) she emailed or left phone messages to ask them if they were interested in free books. She also contacted the Portsmouth Seafarers Center. Several expressed interest and indicated they would discuss the offer with their directors and get back to me. The PPL is encouraging more people to sign up for the Adult Reading program for the summer. The minimum for reading is 3 books by the end of August. The books sales have been going well at both sites. The copier overage issue was taken care of by Ellen. Shelf sorting and organizing is continuing at the Main Library FOPPL site. Ellen found a large bookshelf on wheels to use for the “free books” display at the Book Nook.
New Business: We have 2 new members join FOPPL. We have 30 new Facebook followers. We are accepting book donations now. We recommended sending a “get well/thinking of you” care for Louise Johnson since no one has heard how she is doing.
Library Director’s Report: No report was given or asked for since the libraries just opened to the public on June 7, 2021.
Meeting was adjourned at 11:00. Next meeting is scheduled for August 28, 2021 (Sat.) at 10:00 at the Churchland Library conference room.