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FOPPL BOARD MEETING: February 12, 2022


Friends of the Portsmouth Library, Inc.

February 12, 2022

Board members present: Amanda Taft, Ellen Franke, Deborah Gallagher, Mia Taft

Call to Order: The meeting was held at the Main Library in the Genealogy Room. Amanda called the meeting to order at 10:00 and Mia volunteered to keep the minutes since Toby Pennell (secretary) was absent.

Minutes: The minutes of the last meeting were not read due to the secretary not being there and bringing them.

Correspondence: None

Financial Report by Treasurer: Ellen reported the Operating Account has a balance of $45,852.51 as of 1/31/22.The Copier Account balance is $15,471.22 as of 1/31/22. The CD account is approximately the same as last month with a few more cents added in.

Unfinished Business: The copier account saga is ongoing with no updates yet. The paper bags were ordered and delivered to both library sale sites. Mia discovered that the “old” FOPPL logo was just found online so is not technically cleared for us to use. She volunteered to make a new logo. We discussed the April Members meeting. It will take place April 23rd from 12-2pm and will be a luncheon with food mostly prepared by Ellen and Debbie. The venue will be the Coleman room at the Churchland Library. Mia will design the invitations.

New Business: We discussed renewing our ALA (American Library Association) and Olde Towne Business Association membership as well as renewing the P.O.Box. Ellen is going to look into all of this, but we’re going to research and see if the ALA membership is important. Ellen is also going to reach out to our Tax Accountant and get the ball rolling on submitting our taxes. Louise Johnson and Ellen have received calls and letters from the SEVAC Foundation. Louise asked about switching the name on the account to reflect current FOPPL board members. Ellen asked about whether we want to withdraw our yearly amount from the account. We decided not to withdraw any funds this year as the book sales are ramping up and we haven’t received any funding requests from the libraries as of yet. We discussed having a booth at the Farmer’s Market and possibly the Flea Market and are figuring out prices on that. (It may be a good place to sell new fiction and vintage books.) We also want to see if we can have one of the display cases in the atrium of the Churchland Library to advertise memberships. Toby had asked that we consider donating our foreign language books to the local high school or TCC (as they are not selling at either site). We agreed that Toby could pursue this and report back.

Library Director’s Report: Not asked.

Meeting was adjourned at 11:00 and no date was picked out for next month’s meeting.

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Contact the President, Amanda Taft at 850.319.6000 or email us at

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