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FOPPL BOARD MEETING: September 24, 2024


Friends of the Portsmouth Public Library, Inc.

September 24, 2024

Board Meeting

Board members present:  Amanda Taft, Ellen Franke, Toby Pennell, Mia Taft

Call to Order:  The meeting was held at the Churchland Public Library Book Nook. Amanda called the meeting to order at 5:00.

Minutes: The meeting of 6/14/24 was reviewed.

Correspondence:  None

Financial Report by Treasurer:  Ellen reported the Operating Account has a balance of $74,704.73. The Copier Account is $7,237.60. The Copier Account will be dissolved and absorbed into the Operating Account since we have transferred the copiers to the City of Portsmouth as of 7/1/24.

Unfinished Business:  We have not received any more information about “Rocking for Reading” from Sherry. Ellen will remind her we need more information and to fill out our FOPPL form. The copiers have been turned over to the City of Portsmouth as of 7/1/24 and Todd Elliot has sent an email out to that effect. Amanda will ask our accountant, Kim Painter, for “tax information” before we agree to let Hello Sweetie Cheesecake advertise giving us a percentage of her sales for a specific month. Toby will continue to research the “Book on Every Bed” idea to see how FOPPL could implement it. (It can be done at any time and isn’t an organized program that has to be followed.) The October member meeting is set for 10/25/24 from 1-2 in the Coleman room at the Churchland Public Library. The theme is “banned books”. We will have 2 tote bags to raffle off with 3 “banned books”, a $10 gift certificate from Jeanne’s Used Books and other items in each bag. The food is being catered by Publix and the decorations are decided on. Amanda and Ellen will update the member list so Mia can send out the invitations.

New Business: Toby reported we have lots of children’s and YA books left from a donation and library discards. The BOGO sale for children/YA/teacher resources will continue until the end of September. We are also helping stock the Free Little Libraries located at 6 Portsmouth Elementary schools using those books. Toby suggested that we sponsor a Free Little Library at the Portsmouth Community Health Center on High St. We voted and agreed to do this. Tommy Pennell volunteered to make it for us. Toby will contact the PCHC to see if they are interested and if they are not, she will try Fishing Point Healthcare on London Blvd. Ellen requested some bookmarks with the book sales information on them. Mia will create the pattern and get them made up. (Book Nook times will be M-F 10-4 and Sat. 11-4) We reviewed the mission of FOPPL and discussed the need to support more programs. Toby suggested we introduce ourselves to the Portsmouth School Board and will find out that process. Ellen reported that Alexis from Churchland Public Library has requested some money to fund a group of teens making knotted fleece blankets for the Portsmouth Humane Society. We discussed that it is a worthy project but doesn’t reflect our mission to support literacy or public libraries. Ellen will ask Alexis if she can include “books” in some way and we volunteered the books from our donations. Toby will find out more information on how library cards are filled out (online, in person, etc.) and look through Portsmouth city activities that FOPPL could perhaps be involved with. A Norcom teacher contacted Toby at a Sat. sale, wondering if FOPPL would like to have a float in their parade the first Saturday of November. She was given Amanda’s number but has not contacted her yet.

Library Director’s Report:  None

Meeting was adjourned at 6:10. 

________________________________________Toby Pennell, Secretary

________________________________________Amanda Taft, President Taft, Presidentdent

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Contact the President, Amanda Taft at 850.319.6000 or email us at

Book Nook

4934 High St. W.

Portsmouth, VA

(at the Churchland Library)


Mon-Fri 10-4

Saturdays 10-2

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Main Book Sale

601 Court St,

Portsmouth, VA 23704

(at the Main Library)


Saturdays 10-2

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